Working with Karma:

Don’t miss the sacred opportunity of this life.

Learn what you’re really, really here to learn.


Does this sound familiar?

“I’ve been contemplating some events in my life that keep happening over and over with increasing alarming intensity.  I believed I had handled the issues.
Then, this morning I came to realize it is an intense karmic pattern and I am not getting it.  There’s something that I just can’t hear, feel, or understand. How to proceed?”

-- Mary T., Seattle WA

We all have these alarming, karmic experiences.
• Sometimes they come as shattering, unplanned for events that stop us in our tracks.

• Sometimes they come from our own  reactivity and unconscious behavior.

Karma is the sound of Life knocking on the door of your consciousness.
How does Life knock on the door? In whatever way you are able to notice.

Life knocks in the most subtle, gentle, way and also forcefully.
The force of the knocking is based on your capacity to listen, be aware, and respond.
Spiritual practice deepens your capacity to listen & learn through love - not pain.

Don’t miss the sacred opportunity of this life!

Working with Karma:

How to learn what you’re really, really here to learn.

This four-part learning program takes a deep, esoteric, and practical look at karma.
We will explore:

• Why karma is never a punishment (or a reward)

• How to unpack the awakening messages encoded into your karmic patterns

• How to burn karmic patterns in the fire of Loving Awareness

• The 3 types of karma and how the karma-of-this-moment can free you

• Meditations to accelerate your soul's learning process

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End the Cycle of Suffering

Stop causing struggle and drama for yourself & others.

Learn the Soul's Lessons

Discover the sacred and receive the wisdom in even the challenging moment.

Be a Healing Presence

Abide as Presence in daily life & bring healing, grace, and love to your world.

How does the program work?

Working with Karma is an experiential program that combines meditation, study, and dialogue.
Through meditations and teachings you will learn how to cultivate your capacity to meet karmic patterns and events without reactivity and with caring intent. We will guide you through core practices for:

Bringing loving awareness to karmic patterns of thought and emotion.
• Witnessing the patterns and - simultaneously - embracing them.
• Integrating the energy and intelligence of the patterns into your life.

Working with karma honors your soul’s commitment to deep, fundamental well-being.
It’s more than just living with or enduring. It is learning what you’re (really, really) here in this life to learn.

“What I found in the program was a kindness and gentleness that exceeded my wildest hopes.  
This morning when pausing and bathing my body-mind in loving appreciation -- hugging myself and touching my heart -- I  cried joyfully.”

Ann Jensen Richards
San Diego, California

“I am starting to discover myself and remember who I am and what I am.
Pure Love.

The result of the mediation is having profound effects on my outer life as well as my inner.”

Seamus Kavanagh
Claregalway, Ireland

I wanted to replace judgment with acceptance. I did this for me and the people I love.

I have more peace in my heart and my mind. I feel good about myself.  I like myself more around others.  I smile more.

Peggy Black
Minneapolis, Minnesota

A rich, multi-media learning experience.

The teachings & meditations take you step-by-step through the process of recognizing, softening, and transforming karmic patterns.

The principles work because they integrate the timeless dharma with the latest findings of neuroscience and depth psychology. Let us show you how to bring this sacred dharma alive in your life.

SPECIAL BONUS: Softening Your Karma

In this video/audio teaching, you’ll learn how to bring the scattered, reactive energies of the mind into a point of balance and to lift consciousness into the Radiance (the Source of All Healing).

What the program includes?

(Click on the + to read more details.)

Standard Program includes:

Premium Program includes (all of above plus):

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About the Teachers

Working with Karma is taught by Eric & Devi, co-founders of Wisdom Heart and ordained lineage holders in a 3,000 year old Kriya Yoga tradition. They have been married and practicing these methods together for almost 50 years and have have taught together both online and on retreats in United States and Europe.


Working with Karma STANDARD


  • 4 Video teachings with downloadable mp3 versions

  • 2 Awakening Meditations

  • Bonus: Softening Your Karma

Working with Karma (Monthly WHC Membership)


12 months commitment

  • All the Standard content PLUS:
  • Complete Archives (over 100 teachings/practices)
  • On-going Teachings
  • Weekly Live Calls for 12 months
  • Private Forum
  • Members-only re-treats, teachings, guidance

Working with Karma (Yearly WHC Membership)


Best Value: 2 Months FREE

  • All the Standard content PLUS:
  • Complete Archives (over 100 teachings/practices)
  • On-going Teachings
  • Weekly Live Calls for a year
  • Private Forum
  • Members-only re-treats, teachings, guidance


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