In the most beautiful moments of life, you open to the Radiance.


Opening to the Radiance changes you . . . for a while.

For moments or perhaps months, you can bask in bliss. But, then the feeling fades.
This fading is natural. It reveals the limits of your capacity to sustain that sacred awareness in daily life. 
The revelation and the fading are invitations to fully realize, embody, and express the Radiance.

Accepting the invitation takes discipline.

Many people confuse discipline with control, struggle, and self-denial, so they never fully accept the invitation that is calling them. Here's something we all know. It's one of the greatest spiritual paradoxes and truths:

Discipline creates Freedom.

We teach 3 disciplines:

It’s no accident we name these disciplines. These ancient practices require practice and precision.

 Deepen Meditative Communion:

Wake up to Sacred Radiance within and all around you through daily spiritual practices.

Heal Karma & Trauma:

Receive the Radiance into your body/mind to resolve reactive habits with wisdom and love.

Share Your Presence & Gifts:

Offer your unique expression of the Radiance to others on their awakening paths.

Download the free Video Course —

7 Days of Clarity

  • Still the mind
  • Heal the heart
  • Live with wisdom
Download now

We're Eric & Devi.

We met at a silent yoga retreat in 1972 and have walked this path together ever since. We’re householder yogis who teach people living full in-the-world lives how to cultivate profound awakening and sacred service in the midst of it all. 

We didn’t make up this path. It’s 3,000 years old.

This path is called Kriya Yoga and has been transmitted through a person-to-person lineage – called the Kriya Yoga lineage – for generations. We’re ordained lineage holders in this tradition. We offer the lineage wisdom and practices in a way that meets the needs and challenges of these times.

We’ve taught this path for decades to over 25,000 people.

Wisdom Heart students include seekers from every faith tradition and spiritual-but-not-religious folks. Our grounded approach appeals to parents, artists, yogis, CEOs, surfers, and leaders of all kinds. 

We’ve had the privilege to:

  • Teach meditation to students around the world.
  • Coach individuals to recognize and live their soulful purpose.
  • Facilitate mindfulness programs for 100s of corporations, non-profits, and governmental agencies.
  • Guide spiritual retreats for individuals and groups.
  • Write best-selling books on leadership and spirituality.


Here’s how to start..

Download The Calling Sutras e-book/audio book.

Once you’ve read and/or listen to it, write to us.  Send a short email about what intrigued, confused, or inspired you. 

Eric will personally respond to your email within 24 hours. The dharma is a dialogue not a monologue. This is how to start the conversation. 


What readers say:

“This humble ebook is deceptively powerful. It can help you turn your very life into a "holy text," which is even better than getting everything you ever wanted. Plus, the poetic language is as soothing as it is beautiful. Don't miss it!

– Raphael Cushnir, author of The One Thing Holding You Back

"I love these sutras! Reading them, my heart awakens. They are a direct transmission of Radiance. How can such wisdom and truth exist for me to learn from? The only answer I have: Grace."

– Jennifer Louden, author of Why Bother? - Discover the Desire for What’s Next

"Eric Klein offers us a series of beautiful contemplations to cultivate our own wisdom hearts, inviting us to live in deep meaning and purpose."

– Kathleen Singh, author of The Grace in Dying, The Grace in Living, The Grace in Aging, Unfolding

May we be blunt?

Every week, we hear from people who are stalled or stumbling in their spiritual lives. They’ve had big experiences and deep insights but still struggle in their lives, work, and relationships. They know that there is a deeper, more joyful and loving way to live.

To fully and consistently embody an awakening life takes discipline.

 People who appreciate our authentic approach have been through more than one spiritual rodeo and both benefited and been bruised. Now they want to:

  • Establish a deep, consistent spiritual practice.

  • Gracefully release whatever obscures or limits awakening.

  • Awaken in life not away from life.

We’re here to support your awakening life.

Download the ebook/audio book to start the conversation.

"The accuracy of these messages is profound and help me to access my divinity, power, and purpose. Like gentle missiles, they explode my heart—opening me up to greater possibilities and reminding me of my deepest truths."

– Lisa Zigarmi, Executive Coach


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We’re here to support your awakening (and will respond within 24 hours).

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