The guidance, inspiration, and support you need for your spiritual life.
The Wisdom Heart Community
Realize Deeply
Wake up to Divine Presence through daily spiritual practices.
Embody Fully
Heal reactive habits of body, speech, mind with wisdom and love.
Live Joyfully
Share your gifts and awake presence with all you meet.
There’s an ocean of spiritual information on the web.
More than you could ever absorb and much of it free. Free sounds good! But, if you’ve tried clicking-your-way-to-enlightenment, you know how easy it is to get distracted and drown in the internet ocean.
Then there are programs promising instant enlightenment and ways to hack the spiritual life.
It only takes a few rides on these spiritual see-saws – feeling high then low, starting and stopping – to realize that too-good-to-be-true promises and quick-fixes are not the authentic path.
We’d like to offer you an alternative.
The Wisdom Heart Community is a global network of people who are deepening their spiritual practices and discovering how to realize, embody, and express wisdom and love in every aspect of life - relationships, work, and service to the world.
The Wisdom Heart Community is online but it’s not impersonal.
When you join WHC, you meet people who are discovering how to embrace every moment of life (especially the hard ones) with clarity, courage, and compassion.
This virtual sangha continues the esoteric lineage of Kriya Yoga.
Wisdom Heart founders – Eric & Devi – are ordained teachers and lineage holders in the Kriya Yoga tradition. They translate the ancient teachings into practical and profound frameworks for seekers living complex, modern lives. This has allowed Eric and Devi to work with thousands of sincere spiritual practitioners and seekers for over 45 years.
Get Access HereWho is WHC for?
Most people who find their way to Wisdom Heart have done some searching.
- This isn’t their first spiritual rodeo and they recognize the value of regular meditative practice.
- They want to integrate profound spiritual practices and sacred wisdom into their fully-engaged modern life.
Wisdom Heart is for people who want to:
- Sustain and deepen a vibrant meditation practice.
- Grow in wisdom and live in love.
- Be a force for good in the world.
- Connect with a generous online community.
Who is this not for?
There are people who won’t thrive in the Wisdom Heart Community. They are those who:
Want a quick-fix. While profound shifts can happen in the blink of an eye – Wisdom Heart offers a path of practice that works gently and harmoniously to change your life.
Don’t want to be kind, curious, and generous. We’ve created an online space where kindness, curiosity, and generosity are the how we roll.
“Eric & Devi are able to breathe life into the teachings and make them real and personally relevant.”
–Jessica Jewel, Lawrence, Kansas

“The richness of these teachings is infinite. There is openness, humanness, down-to-earth, and deep knowing.”
– Gisela Kissing, Berlin, Germany

How does The Wisdom Heart Community work?
As soon as you join, the teachings, practices, and support will start flowing your way with:
- Invitations to our weekly live calls.
- Deep guidance on meditation and spiritual practice.
- Teachings and techniques for living with presence.
- Inspiration to heal & nourish your spiritual heart.
- Instant access to our extensive digital library.
- Our private online forum.
- Exclusive programs and benefits.
Immediate access to Wisdom Heart library:
In the past, these courses were sold separately. Now, they’re included in your WHC membership.
Why? Because we want to offer you the teachings, inspiration, and support you need to deepen your spiritual life.
Here are a few of the courses you'll receive:
The Meditation Habit:
Start, sustain and deepen your daily practice.
The Bhagavad Gita in 40 days:
Live the wisdom of the Gita through short daily teachings.
Meditative Discernment:
How to hear, understand, and follow Inner Guidance.
The Forgiveness Process:
How to liberate the heart & open to Life's blessings.
The Art of Letting Go:
Release what limits your experience of peace, creativity, and love.
Food & the Spiritual Life:
Taking in the nourishment that feeds your soul.
Overcoming Inner Obstacles:
Dissolving blocks through the practice of mantra meditation.
Loving Awareness:
Meditations and teachings on living with wise love.
Member Bonuses:
(Click on the + to read more details.)
Bonus 1: Live weekly teaching & coaching!
Bonus 2: Wisdom Heart Library
Bonus 3: Virtual Retreats
Bonus 4: Interviews with thought leaders
Bonus 5: Members-Only Teachings
“I’ve spent my whole life in spiritual pursuits. Still, I harbored anxiety and almost panic about not being enough, not doing enough, and despite a successful life by almost every measure, not ‘living up to my potential.’ Coming to Wisdom Heart changed all that.
Wisdom Heart teachings and methodology finally allowed the wisdom of a lifetime of spiritual understanding to actually seep into my daily life and begin to come alive for me – perhaps even as me.
Wisdom Heart continues to lead me into myself and the present moment with gratitude, gentleness and true peace. Thank you, Eric and Devi. Thank you”
Lisa Sferiazza Johnson — Rome, Italy

Our Promise to You
We’re here to support your awakening life.
We invite you to walk the path together.
We all need support in the form of love, celebration, and accountability.
For 99% of us, community is essential. If Wisdom Heart resonates with you, we're thrilled to welcome you.
Eric & Devi
QUESTIONS? If you have any question that aren’t covered on this page, please email us directly and let us know how we can help.
Also, we’d love to get your feedback. Click here to email.
“I’m still surprised at the depth of connection that we have.
I’ve participated with a local meditation group - very actively - but I never felt community as I do with this group which is online. It’s strange and unexpected and wonderful.
It has been really important experience being part of the community over and above the teachings which are amazing.”
– Jean Van Bonn, Arcata, California