“When the knots of the heart are unbound,

then even here, in this life,

the soul enjoys bliss in the midst of change.”
– Katha Upanishad


Knots of the heart – we’ve all got them.

They're the patterns of reactivity, trauma, and karma that tangle up our lives. When the knots of the heart are tight, we experience:

  • Body tension, pain, and compulsive behaviors.

  • Anxious, critical thoughts and self-doubt.

  • Relationship misunderstandings, power struggles, and lack of connection. 

  • Professional loss of direction, stress, lack of fulfillment, and burnout.

  • Money worries and financial instability. 

Our conditioned reaction to these knotty problems is to contract and struggle which tightens the knots even more.


We need to loosen the knots at the root. But, where is the root?

The roots of our reactivity, trauma, and karma are not in our personal – not even our ancestral –  history. 


All the experiences of our life are rooted in the chakras of our subtle body. 

This may seem like a radical statement.
It certainly runs counter to the conventional materialist perspective. But, it is the declaration of all mystical traditions. 

Awakened Ones teach us that life doesn’t happen from the outside in. 
Rather, life unfolds from the inside out; from the subtle inner depths to the visible surface. 

Everything starts at the root.
That’s radical. In fact, getting to the root is the very meaning of the word radical. 
Radical doesn’t mean going wild. It means going deep.


Welcome to Chakra School.

We offer you a radical invitation to stop living on the surface of life and to dive deeply into the subtle, generative dimensions of your being. 

Chakra School is sourced in the Kriya Yoga tradition. 
So, what is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is an ancient system for:

  • Realizing spiritual awakening in this life.
  • Integrating that realization into the nitty-gritty of how you love, live, and serve.

The Kriya sages explored the creative potential of human embodiment in depth. 
They experienced the subtle anatomy of embodied consciousness to be a metaphysical “tree of life” containing chakras or cerebrospinal centers of energy and information.

Each chakra stores and transmits energy and information.
But when the knots of the heart are knotty, the energy and information get tangled up.

Parmahansa Yogananda brought Kriya Yoga to the West over 100 years ago.

And the lineage continues. We’re the third generation of Western-born lineage holders to offer the esoteric teachings and methods of Kriya Yoga. These practices directly with the subtle body– the chakras and the channels – to clear obstructions, untangle energetic knots, and cultivate a flow of healing grace.

“Awakening of the occult cerebrospinal centers

(chakras, astral lotuses) is the sacred goal of the yogi.”

– Paramahansa Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi

Through the Chakra School curriculum you will learn how to:


  • Consciously loosen the knots in the subtle body.

  • Infuse compassion & prana - life energy -  into the parts of your soul that have closed down.

  • Harmonize the flow of life energy/information through your body.

  • Balance and circulate subtle currents through the nervous system, refining and purifying your embodied consciousness. 

  • Deepen your meditation to experience the infinite ocean of peace, divine love, and bliss within.

  • Embody and express these and other sacred qualities in/as your daily life.

Untangle the knots of trauma & karma with precision and love.

The program moves progressively through the subtle body using:

  • Meditations

  • Mantra

  • Somatic exercises 

  • Daily Life embodiment exercises 

  • Astrological reflections

  • Sacred texts

  • And more...

Who is Chakra School for?

Click on + for complete descriptions

Who is Chakra School NOT for?

This is not a quick fix. If you’re looking for a spiritual hack, this is not for you.
(This is a commitment to yourself and to daily practice).


How Chakra School Works

This is an online school with live calls & video/audio/written resources.

It’s online but not impersonal. These are rich, interactive experiences of teachings, dialogue, live coaching, and sharing. If you can’t make the call, it will be recorded and shared on the program page. Note: Zoom is a free service that you do not have to sign up for. You just click the link we send each week and you’re on!


“What I found in these teachings was a kindness and gentleness that exceeded my wildest hopes. 

This morning when pausing and bathing my body-mind in loving appreciation -- hugging myself and touching my heart – I  cried joyfully. 

These teachings provide the missing piece - like sitting in the lap of God.”

– Ann Jensen Richards
San Diego, California

The Chakra School Modules

There are 7 modules to this learning journey. 
Each module focuses on one of the chakras and explores, in depth, how that chakras’ energies, qualities, and intelligence are expressed through:

  • Thoughts and emotions
  • Body sensations and behaviors
  • Interpersonal dynamics
  • Myths and dreams
  • Astrological symbols
  • Real life ease and/or struggles

Module descriptions:

Click the "+" to read the complete description:

There are 2 Ways to Enroll in Chakra School


1 - Dip Your Toe In: Module 1 only

Sign up for Module 1: Entering the Garden of God: Subtle Anatomy & Radical Wholeness
Experience our approach and the practices. This includes:

 The Module-of-the-Month Program includes:

  • Core teachings and practices for one module.
  • 5 live Zoom calls with recordings of those calls.
  • Guided meditations & mantras – These meditations weave mantra and guided practice to provide daily contemplative nourishment and support for integrating radical wholeness at every level of your being.
  • Assessments & journal exercises – These reflective tools help you discern where to place your attention and how to gently cultivate greater embodiment of wisdom in your life.


2 - Premium Experience:  The Complete Curriculum

The Premium Program includes:

  • All 7 modules, teachings and practices, along with additional training and support.
  • 5 Live Zoom calls for every module with recordings of those calls.
  • Guided meditations & mantras – These meditations weave mantra and guided practice to provide daily contemplative nourishment and support for integrating radical wholeness at every level of your being.
  • Assessments & journal exercises – These reflective tools help you discern where to place your attention and how to gently cultivate greater embodiment of wisdom in your life.

The Premium Program includes the following Bonuses.

Click on the + to read the details

Get Access Now

Chakra School Schedule:

Time & Dates

All Module Calls meet on Zoom from 11am to Noon Pacific Time. 

A Zoom link will be sent upon registration.

Here are the dates:

Note - the Live Calls follow a rhythm of 5 calls followed by a no-call week for integration:

Module 1 - 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 

Module 2 - 4/24, 4/31, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22

Module 3 - 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3

Module 4 - 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14

Module 5 - 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25

Module 6 - 10/9, 10/17, 10/24, 10/30, 11/6

Module 7 - 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11

“I’m still surprised at the depth of connection that we have.

I’ve participated with a local meditation group but I never felt community as I do with this group which is online. It’s strange and unexpected and wonderful.

It’s amazing to connect with like-minded people from all over the world.
Some are in Europe, others are on the same continent as me but 3,000 miles away. It doesn’t matter - we have an actual community. For me this has been a huge value.

It is a safe and supportive environment - I don’t understand why. It just is and that has allowed me to not hold back (something I tend to do) and go really deep. 

It has been a really important experience being part of the community over and above the teachings which are amazing.”

– Jean Van Bonn
Arcata, California

“I was surprised by the personal attention Eric gives each and every member of the class. 

The live calls and the group forum have led to what I believe will be lifelong friendships with people interested in living life mindfully and in sending love and caring into the world at a time when its most desperately needed.”

– Georgia Williams
Sacramento, California

“Being in Europe, while far away - I feel so close. There really is no distance.
The content is so beautiful. I love the artistry and depth of your language.

The way you take us on a new track and deeper inquiry - it opens up a whole field of possibilities. The richness of your teachings is infinite.

Sometimes I am so amazed that you bring such deep knowledge and understanding - coming from the soul.

 There is openness, humanness, down-to-earth, and deep knowing.
I love the community and participants. The depth of sharing is so touching and connecting. You attract wonderful people and join them together.

The Wisdom Heart teachings are universal - they contain and embrace our whole life.

I don’t have to abandon what I’ve learned in other practices or programs; what you teach enriches and deepens what came before.”

– Gisela Kissing
Berlin, Germany

There are 2 Ways to Enroll

1 - Dip Your Toe In  - Module 1 only 

2 - The Premium Program - The Complete Curriculum + Bonuses

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎DIP YOUR TOE IN ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Module 1 only


  • Core teachings and practices for Module 1.
  • 5 live calls of Module 1 only - with recordings of the live calls.
  • Guided meditations & mantras
  • Assessments & journal exercises
Enroll Now

PREMIUM PROGRAM: Complete Chakra School curriculum


  • Core teachings and practices for all 7 Modules
  • 5 live calls per module with recordings of the live calls.
  • Guided meditations & mantras
  • Assessments & Journal exercises


  • Membership in The Wisdom Heart Community ($550 value) 
  • Email coaching support ($250 value) 
  • Individual Coaching (optional and at a discounted rate)
Enroll Now for Best Value

PREMIUM PROGRAM: Complete Chakra School curriculum 3-PAYMENTS

3 monthly payments for $325

  • Core teachings and practices for all 7 Modules
  • 5 live calls per module with recordings of the live calls.
  • Guided meditations & mantras
  • Assessments & Journal exercises


  • Membership in The Wisdom Heart Community ($550 value) 
  • Email coaching support ($250 value) 
  • Individual Coaching (optional and at a discounted rate)
Enroll Now for Best Value

About the teacher - Eric Klein

I’ve lived this path of Kriya Meditation for 50 years and shared it with over 25,000 people including seekers from every faith tradition and spiritual-but-not-religious folks. My grounded approach appeals to parents, artists, yogis, CEOs, surfers, and political leaders. I’ve had the privilege to:

  • Teach meditation to students around the world
  • Coach individuals to recognize and live their soulful purpose
  • Facilitate mindfulness programs for corporations, non-profits, and governmental agencies
  • Guide spiritual retreats for individuals and groups
  • Write best-selling books on leadership and spirituality
  • Cultivate a daily practice of kriya meditation, study, and sharing the blessings of the Kriya Lineage for 50 years.

I’m a lineage holder.
I was trained, ordained, and empowered by Goswami Kriyananda to share the Kriya Dharma. I can attest from experience that these practices and teachings will heal and renew your life.

These practices have worked for thousands of people for thousands of years. They’ll work for you.


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